A Turkey and Some Mistletoe

Well, Thanksgiving has come and gone and I’d say I successfully cooked a 16 pound turkey, made some delicious mashed potatoes, stuffing, and gravy, and enjoyed the company of some good friends. DSCN0580We even all went and did some black friday shopping after dinner. I think I went a little too crazy cause I spent more money than I wanted too. But deals a deal and I hate passing up on a deal. I just finished decorating my apartment and it looks like a winter wonderland. It makes me all warm inside and I love all the lights. I do still need to pick up a few things to make it all complete. For instance, I need to run out and buy some kind of tree skirt for my new christmas tree I bought. As well, as some poinsettias to keep with the christmas colors. I want to buy some wrapping paper as well to wrap some boxes under my tree and some things to decorate two wreaths I have. If they happen to have a few christmas houses I’d gladly find some space. See this is why I spend so much money.DSCN0592 But I just love it. Let’s just hope my roommates don’t find it a bit too much. But I don’t really think you can ever have too much christmas. Okay, maybe you can. Oh and that reminds me I need to get some mistletoe to. I’m hoping to have a little christmas party so they would be super cute to have as well. It makes me just want to curl up and watch christmas movies and drink hot chocolate. I love this time of year. It’s so fun! I still have so much to do.


Dish Later,



I am a big fan of the game Heads Up. The charades app where you hold it on your forehead and guess the clues from other people. Then you tilt it up if you got it wrong and down if you got it right. Anyways, I downloaded on my phone a while ago when I was first living out here. And I’m so glad I did, not only has it helped me in some situations but it also costs money now I believe. I recently went up to Portland and it was not this best time. We had like three or so hours till we needed to go to the airport, so we have some time to waste. The people I was with suggested some weird game that did not seem appealing at all, so I suggested we play Heads Up. We said oh we’ll play this for a bit then something else. Fast forward we got super into it and the “acting out” category and were having a blast. The time flew by and what seemed was going to be a boring ending to an already average trip changed. It made it so much more fun and the mood was so happy and fun. When there’s some down time at work it’s also fun to bust out. More recent, I went out with some people and it was towards the end of the night and people were still sobering up, although it was so late most people were. But I busted the game out again and it was a hoot. Surprisingly two of my coworkers are great at state capitals. It was another time when it just entertained us for hours. By the end the sun was about to come up and it was for sure time for bed. But it was a great fun and a good memory to have. So I love this game and think it’s a great thing to play! I’m glad I downloaded it.


Dish Later,


It’s Been Kind of Busy

Well I feel like I’ve been kind of busy lately. I’ve hung out with a lot of people almost everyday. Last week we had our improv show and then two nights later a few of us met up and got dinner and watched another show. Then Friday was a crazy evening not to mention a long day. And to top it off, I went to the doctor and have slight bronchitis. So I’m not feeling amazing and am just pretty tired. Which is actually a bummer because I want to go do stuff and hang with people. But I know one needs to rest. But with the holidays coming I’m ready to start making things happen. And have some fun. But I have other ideas for stuff later. But for now I’m going to turn on some good Hallmark movies and try and feel better.


Dish Later



I’m pretty darn good at procrastinating. So much so, I fell asleep on the couch a few times before deciding to get up and blog before getting into bed. Hence why I’m yawning and typing so slow right now. I always seem to wait to the last minute with things. I guess sometimes I do better when I have a time strain. But then I get really stressed. I also feel like I want to do things now and get them done. But I have a basket of laundry from the weekend I need to put away still. It also amazes me because most of the things I put off often don’t take as much time to do them as I thought they would. I need to start filming things but I push off editing and such because it feels like such a process getting out the stuff to download and waiting for it to and then putting it all away. I guess you could say that’s also pretty lazy. Anyways, I’m trying to be better about it all. But I like relaxing and watching tv and hanging out. I can’t wait for the weekend to finally get to sleep in and be on my own time. I’m still getting things done and I guess it’s something I need to continue to work on. But I did some baking earlier this week and it was good. I may post a blog about it later. I’m gonna work on doing more timely things.

Dish Later,


Shopping for a Deal

I love the feeling you get when you find a deal. I get so excited and happy for how much money I save. Today I went shopping and it’s the time of year for sales. But I got a really good deal on an electric griddle. JCPenney had it on sale for $25 originally $40 and then there’s a mail in rebate for $10 and add an additional $10 in extra savings I was able to use. That means I spent just about $6 for a pretty nice griddle. I walked out of there super happy and pleased that I was able to save so much money. It makes me want to save more on clothes. I ended up buying stuff somewhere else and then changing my mind so I ended up saving myself more money but not spending on it stuff I probably won’t use or wear. It makes me want to bargain hunt even more and also keep an eye out for things coming up with the big sales. I know I want to start thinking of things for presents for people so I won’t mind looking at the sale stuff and getting more deals. I guess if you’re going to spend money it’s better if it’s something you really want and a deal.



Girl’s Night

Last night I went out with a bunch of girls. It was a fun time but I did make an observation. Normally, when I go out I go with girls I don’t feel really threaten by and feel like a catch. It’s probably bad but I feel like I’m the one who’s the star of the movie. But one of my friend’s is hot. I mean she’s got good looks and height and is a catch. So hanging with her last night I felt like the best friend of the movie who’s not really the one having the fantastic love story. I mean it kind of is baffling when you talk to all of these people and see all of these dudes swooning over her. And I like to think of myself as a go getting but I was put in my place. It’s interesting to see the dynamic change. It’s probably a good thing because it helps to remind you, there’s always someone prettier and such. But man, I feel a little bit of an ego shock or really like insecurities are more prevalent.  It just shows how dating is hard. I mean it makes me want to get out there and show people how great I am. It kind of all makes me laugh because it’s kind of funny that you can switch between being the top runner to the third choice. You gotta just keep trucking and remember you are a number one.



New Friends

When I first moved out here, I was all about finding new friends. So I feel like I still am like that even two years later. I have weeded some people out and when I thought I had a solid few, even then some got weeded out. Or they just decided we shouldn’t be friends. But I love knowing a lot of people and having the ability to call someone up to do something or go down a list till I find someone to join me. Things are going well. I read somewhere that the time for people is smaller and that really you can only have a small number of really good friends you can physically spend time with all the time. And I kind of believe. I mean like I like having nothing to do and just chilling but I also enjoy making plans. Yesterday, someone I met that I would’ve jumped on the opportunity to hang out with texted me after a couple weeks of meeting. I literally had forgotten just because I’ve had things going on. But I am glad because I feel like you can always have new people come around. Then I met other people and we are all going out tomorrow. It’s like I’m getting the hang of it now. Balance is gonna help manage all these new relationships. But I also love doing and trying new things so as long as I take care of myself I think I will enjoy all these new friends.



Crushing It

Today I went to go pick up food and saw my latest crush who also happens to be my improv teacher. It’s kind of like a reappearance of an older crush but still. We both work very close to each other distance wise so a lot of the popular places to eat are often used by both. And really this is like the third time I’ve seem in the area. I’ve seen him at this bar before and I happen to see him a few weeks ago and with some liquid courage I talked to him for a while. Unfortunately during the evening, I also found out he was kind of seeing or “hooking up” with someone who also happens work with him. His last girlfriend also did and that was part of the reason I stopped. I wasn’t sure if the latest is strong or what, so I’m still interested. Anyways, when I walked in today, I scanned the restaurant and didn’t seem anyone I recognized from his work until I looked at the cashier and he was like one away. And I was behind a guy that took too long and I was almost next to him. If he literally turned the opposite direction he for sure would’ve seen me. I don’t know why but I was like frozen and my heart was racing. Mostly because I wasn’t sure if he did see me or not. But I even went to grab napkins so once he sat down there still may have been a chance he would’ve seen me. Basically I was all hyped up after that. But the day went on. I went to improv and I was so worried before but I got lucky this week and did really well in all my scenes. Luckily, because I got paired up with pretty good people. But I literally crushed it tonight. I felt so good! Later, my crush was performing and we watched and I saw that his girl was there and I was thinking about it and I’m not sure if I want to be crushing on him as bad as I was. I tried to ask if he was going to the bar we saw each other out and it was felt awkward mostly because I was talking to a guy I forgot I had seen there too and then we introduced ourselves again. Anyways, I want someone to crush on me because I know how great I am but ideally it would be someone I could crush back on too.



I’m So Ready to Party

We got our official holiday party invites today for work. I’m so excited! Since I had so much fun on Saturday night dancing, playing DJ, and just having a ball I can’t wait to do it again. All day I have been going around asking people if they’re going to go or not and then pretending I’m handing them an invite to my birthday as a joke. I even started looking at dresses for it. I’m just ready to get down. It’s kind of nice because it gives you something to look forward too and be excited about. And it should be a good time. I don’t want to have super high expectations so then I don’t end up being let down. But I do want to treat it like it will be fun just getting free drinks and hanging with cool people. I even have started thinking of possible dates to bring. I’m leaning towards my roommate I brought with me last year. He was really good about talking with people and I can leave him to mingle around and he’s fine. So he’s my top choice right now. If I magically started dating someone maybe them. But I just want to have a good time. And it will be nice splitting the cab ride home. I also can’t wait to dance again. I want to boogie and also maybe see if I can mingle more with my work crush. Otherwise, I’ll just try and have a good time with my friends. Also, while rocking a sweet dress. But I have some time and am just going to enjoy getting ready for it all.

Dish later,


Seasons of Fall

November is here! So it’s getting to be that time were it’s finally starting to cool down and the holiday spirit begins to pick up. Hallmark is already showing Christmas movies that I can’t help but watch and pine over the romance. With it getting dark earlier and having a rough week, I decided after a late night of fun and laughs to stay in all day and not even get out of my pajamas. I do have to say I do kind of want to be around people more but I am trying to enjoy being on my own schedule. I do think that keeping busy really is better for me because I enjoy people so much. I feel like since it’s the first of November I want to start things maybe posting everyday or being more creative or something. Perhaps I’ll practice piano more or exercise. I want to do something. I want to bake some more and embrace the season because it always seems to come and go so fast. I think this is such a romantic time and I feel like either all my crushes are dating someone or that I don’t really have one which also is a bit of a bummer but maybe someone new will come along. I enjoy being independent but these movies really make you want someone to cuddle up to and drink hot chocolate and sit by the fire. But realistically, I need to start planning events and buying presents for people. So bring on the fall and let’s have a ball.

Dish later,
